The Dangers of a Leaking Roof, and What to Do About It


Many of us are familiar with the discomfort a leaking roof can cause. When water drains down and creates a drip in your home, it can be a frustrating experience. However, leaking roofs have issues beyond simple discomfort. A leak may be a sign of real damage to your roofing system, and when left unchecked, can become an expensive and hazardous problem for your home. Let’s look at the dangers of a leaking roof, and what you can do about it.

Attic and Ceiling Damage


When you discover a leak, the most likely damage that has resulted is that to your attic and ceiling. If your attic is used for storage, there’s an immediate risk to the items stored there suffering from water damage. Additionally, the water could cause the structural integrity of your attic to become rotted and weakened, which can be dangerous for your entire home. If a leak caused by your roof is visible, it’s also likely that water has worked its way through a ceiling or two. Proactively addressing these concerns by employing a Maryland roofing company is important to stop structural damage from happening to your ceiling and roof.

Mold and Mildew

A big concern when you discover a leak is the risk of mold and mildew. Mold and mildew spread fast and can enter HVAC systems, creating health risks to those in your home. Mold and mildew are most hazardous to those with allergies, respiratory issues, and the immunocompromised. It’s crucial to stop mold from spreading further once you discover its presence.

Lost Energy Efficiency

One of the unexpected dangers of a leaking roof can be a rapid loss in your home’s energy efficiency. Water can damage the insulation in your ceiling, limiting your home’s ability to retain heat or cool air. Ineffective insulation can quickly run up your energy bill, and you likely won’t even realize it until the damage is done. Finding a company that provides roofing services in Maryland, and also is able to check for losses of inefficiency, is a great step.

Fire Hazards

Your wallet isn’t the only concern when it comes to a leaking roof, of course. Water that makes its way into walls has the chance to damage electrical wiring throughout your home. This creates a dangerous fire hazard within the electrical system. When you discover a leak, it’s crucial to have roofing experts inspect your home and determine whether or not the water has caused electrical damage. Roofing inspection costs in Maryland can seem like a lesser issue when stacked against the safety of your entire home.

Damage to Drywall

Drywall is one of the building materials most susceptible to water damage. An excess of water can cause drywall to sag, and eventually, fall apart. Drywall is typically used throughout your home as an integral structural element, so it’s important to ensure that the water damage doesn’t reach that point. Reach out to Four Twelve Roofing for an excellent job on drywall installation Baltimore

Compromising Structural Integrity

When the dangers of a leaking roof are left unchecked, they can lead to catastrophic issues. Water is the enemy of the structural integrity of your roofing system. Without proactive action, you can be looking at the entire system being compromised and at risk of collapse. When this happens, you may be facing a costly roof replacement in Maryland.

What to Do About a Leaking Roof?

Instead of letting the issue spread, you can contact the team at Four Twelve Roofing to protect your home from significant damage. Time matters when it comes to a leaking roof, so it’s crucial to recruit experienced roofers who can inspect the state of your roof, and make the right assessment the first time. Our expert team builds an action plan to address issues before they become more serious. If you’re ready to protect your roof, contact the Four Twelve team today. 


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